

Our collection is designed around investing themes and opportunities to help you make smarter investing decisions, faster. Pick a portfolio as is or customize it to your liking.

Our collection is designed around investing themes and opportunities to help you make smarter investing decisions, faster. Pick a portfolio as is or customize it to your liking.

Classic portfolios

Classic portfolios

Thematic portfolios

Thematic portfolios

Regional portfolios

Regional portfolios

Copy trading

Copy trading

No representation is made that any investment strategy, security, or financial product discussed on this website or through the Paasa app or website will be profitable or suitable for any particular individual. The content provided is based on sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, or timely.




What returns should I expect from Paasa?

We focus on diversified portfolios that grow your capital, tailored to your level of risk. Our active-growth portfolio takes on more risk than the S&P 500, hence generating an extra 5.5% over the index in the last 5 years. Similarly our safe-growth portfolio takes on lesser risk than the S&P 500 and works better for capital preservation.

What returns should I expect from Paasa?

We focus on diversified portfolios that grow your capital, tailored to your level of risk. Our active-growth portfolio takes on more risk than the S&P 500, hence generating an extra 5.5% over the index in the last 5 years. Similarly our safe-growth portfolio takes on lesser risk than the S&P 500 and works better for capital preservation.

What returns should I expect from Paasa?

We focus on diversified portfolios that grow your capital, tailored to your level of risk. Our active-growth portfolio takes on more risk than the S&P 500, hence generating an extra 5.5% over the index in the last 5 years. Similarly our safe-growth portfolio takes on lesser risk than the S&P 500 and works better for capital preservation.

Is Paasa safe?

Yes. Your investments and data are protected through 256-bit encryption, secure custody, and compliance with all regulatory standards. While market volatility is a normal part of investing, you can rest assured that your data and assets are safeguarded by the same protocols used by the world’s largest financial institutions.

Is Paasa safe?

Yes. Your investments and data are protected through 256-bit encryption, secure custody, and compliance with all regulatory standards. While market volatility is a normal part of investing, you can rest assured that your data and assets are safeguarded by the same protocols used by the world’s largest financial institutions.

Is Paasa safe?

Yes. Your investments and data are protected through 256-bit encryption, secure custody, and compliance with all regulatory standards. While market volatility is a normal part of investing, you can rest assured that your data and assets are safeguarded by the same protocols used by the world’s largest financial institutions.

Are my investments insured?

Your investments are held with Interactive Brokers, a trusted global custodian. This means your assets are protected by SIPC insurance, covering up to $500,000, including $250,000 for cash claims.

Are my investments insured?

Your investments are held with Interactive Brokers, a trusted global custodian. This means your assets are protected by SIPC insurance, covering up to $500,000, including $250,000 for cash claims.

Are my investments insured?

Your investments are held with Interactive Brokers, a trusted global custodian. This means your assets are protected by SIPC insurance, covering up to $500,000, including $250,000 for cash claims.

What is Paasa's pricing?

We charge based on Assets Under Management (AUM), with a tiered structure that lowers rates as your assets grow. We do not charge any additional fees including transaction fees. Our pricing is as follows: AUM $5,000 - $10,000 we charge 1.00%/ year. AUM $10,001 - $100,000 we charge 0.9%/year. AUM $100,001 and above we charge 0.8%/year.

What is Paasa's pricing?

We charge based on Assets Under Management (AUM), with a tiered structure that lowers rates as your assets grow. We do not charge any additional fees including transaction fees. Our pricing is as follows: AUM $5,000 - $10,000 we charge 1.00%/ year. AUM $10,001 - $100,000 we charge 0.9%/year. AUM $100,001 and above we charge 0.8%/year.

What is Paasa's pricing?

We charge based on Assets Under Management (AUM), with a tiered structure that lowers rates as your assets grow. We do not charge any additional fees including transaction fees. Our pricing is as follows: AUM $5,000 - $10,000 we charge 1.00%/ year. AUM $10,001 - $100,000 we charge 0.9%/year. AUM $100,001 and above we charge 0.8%/year.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount required to use Paasa is $5,000.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount required to use Paasa is $5,000.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount required to use Paasa is $5,000.

As a financial advisor, can I give this to my clients?

Absolutely. Whether you're managing a few clients or scaling a practice, Paasa provides the tools and expertise to help you guide them towards smarter global investments.

As a financial advisor, can I give this to my clients?

Absolutely. Whether you're managing a few clients or scaling a practice, Paasa provides the tools and expertise to help you guide them towards smarter global investments.

As a financial advisor, can I give this to my clients?

Absolutely. Whether you're managing a few clients or scaling a practice, Paasa provides the tools and expertise to help you guide them towards smarter global investments.

Paasa is a financial technology company, not a bank or brokerage or financial advisor. All banking and
brokerage services are provided by our licensed partners. Advisory services lent by Navin Kumar
Choudhary, a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor INA0000A4922. RIA address: Unit 1101, Wing 1,
Greens Scociety, Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Thergoan, Pune - 411033

360 S Baywood Ave.

San Jose, CA 95128, USA

© 2025 Paasa, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paasa is a financial technology company, not a bank or brokerage or financial advisor. All banking and
brokerage services are provided by our licensed partners. Advisory services lent by Navin Kumar
Choudhary, a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor INA0000A4922. RIA address: Unit 1101, Wing 1,
Greens Scociety, Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Thergoan, Pune - 411033

360 S Baywood Ave.

San Jose, CA 95128, USA

© 2025 Paasa, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paasa is a financial technology company, not a bank or brokerage or financial advisor.

All banking and brokerage services are provided by our licensed partners. Advisory services lent by Navin Kumar Choudhary, a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor INA0000A4922. RIA address: Unit 1101, Wing 1, Greens Scociety, Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Thergoan, Pune - 411033

360 S Baywood Ave.

San Jose, CA 95128, USA

© 2025 Paasa, Inc. All rights reserved.